update in posting.


hey guys, its Gemma. yes I know this isn’t my usual day of posting, but I thought that I would like to do my posting on another day. I hope everyone is okay with this.

so I have been thinking, I would like to change the days that I post on. right now I post on Wednesdays every week but I think I have better idea.

I think I am going to post whenever I have some time, or when I have an idea. this is because, I have started year 8 and we have been getting some homework that takes me a little while to complete sometimes. depending on how much I have.

so I thought maybe I should post one the days that I can and also the days that I have an idea and think that this is a good thing to post about. I will be posting on this Wednesday but from then on, it could be other days in the week. this also means I might not be posting every week. I am not sure. I am also kind of struggling on ideas so this is good for me to think about some good ideas without a due date to post. I hope this makes sense.



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